mandag 21. januar 2008

Video Nasty : The Last House On The Left (1972)

Let's get into one of the real ugly Nasties. If it wasn't already well known, then who would've thought that the man behind great, but safe, movies such as "Scream" and "A Nightmare On Elm Street" was able to make something like this to literally kick start his career.


Mari and Phyllis from the suburbs are ready for some adventure in the big city, and after much time spent trying to get their parents to give in, they do. Off they are to see their favorite band "Bloodlust", but, as they're almost home, little do they know there's some extremely cruel villains waiting in the wings with a different kind of bloodlust of their own. The escaped Krug (David Hess), and his demented gang of girlfriend, friend, and little brother are about hoping to find some teenage girls to rape and murder, and on this night it's their lucky day. They kidnap poor Mari and Phyllis, and submit them to some, if not the, most degrading, sexually perverted, and sadistically violent treatment ever on celluloid. Will the girls escape? Well, no..they die, but then a very unexpected twist comes along.

What's Good?:

First of all David Hess. He is the most perfect and sickest villain in the history of the Horror movies, and although he is known as a real nice guy off-screen, in these movies he is so believable that it wouldn't surprise me if he's recieved threats on the street from people after they've seen his movies. As far as perfect casting goes it doesn't get any better than Hess as the bad guy. He's also quite a good songwriter, and does most of the soundtrack in this movie, which is very Country and Western inspired, but at the same time there's something eerie and insane about Hess' songs which are perfect for the overall mood here. "And The Road Leads To Nowhere". Indeed!

Wes Craven did a fine job directing this, and it's his best film to most hardcore Horror fanatics, and the reasons are of course the violence, torture, rape, murder, and so on and so on. We find out real early on that the poor girls don't have a chance to survive because the villains in this flick has no, and I mean NO mercy!

The best thing about the film however is the mood it creates, and the feeling it leaves you with after seeing it. While it goes on you will not be sure if you're going to be able to take it, and if you do there's the "reward" of feeling like you need to take a shower after seeing it, because it's one of those few gems that makes you feel sick and dirty for having watched it.

The revenge twist is also great, and you'll be rooting for the parents as the villains gets what they deserve to the max.

What's Not?:

This is a perfect rape/revenge film, and it's so good at what it sets out to do that there is no flaws. The only thing is it might be a bit too much to get through, so this is by no means suited for Sunday afternoon family entertainment. Also, women beware! I've never met a female who hasn't been highly sickened, shocked, and offended by this one, and that's real talk.

The Verdict:

This is what a true Video Nasty is all about, and is one that deserved to be one. There are plenty of more violent, gory, and bloody flicks out there, but the way you feel when and after seeing this is matched by very few. It's tagline "Keep repeating it's only a movie" might be needed for the viewers, but fact is it isn't only a movie, because this type of stuff, and worse, happens somewhere in the world every day, and that adds even more to the Horror that's already there. A film where the victims have no chance of survival, and the villains show absolutely no mercy or remorse is a realistic and ultimate nightmare. Top notch, but hard to watch, so...

5 (out of 6)

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