onsdag 23. januar 2008

Video Nasty : The Ghastly Ones (1968)

One of the oldest entries on the banned list is Porn director Andy Milligan's The Ghastly Ones aka Blood Rites. The media warned to be aware of any title including Cannibal, Zombie, Savage, and Blood cause they were all potential nasties. Now, how do Porn directors usually do when they attempt to make a movie in a different genre?


Some couples needs to spend the night at a mansion according to a will. Once there, they get killed off one by one. Whodunit?

What's good?:

Not much! There's some fairly bloody killings. A killer in a cloak and hood is hiding in the cellar and kills with a hayfork, a butcher knife, and a saw, and the family retard eats live rabbits. The music is orchestral and quite good, but I'm guessing that with the budget Milligan had at hand it's library music.

What's bad?:

Just about everything, as this falls into the so bad it's really bad category. The director can to some extent direct but still fails, much because the actors shouldn't be allowed to "act". I could care less about the whodunit plot, and I'm a big fan of whodunit's. A scene in the cellar when the killer "hides" from his prey is so stupid the victim must've been deaf, dumb, blind, and retarded. That however is nothing compared to the very ending which is so bad you will actually laugh cause it is possibly the most stupid line to end a movie ever!

The Verdict:

Only worth seeing for the gore scenes. They are quite bloody, disgusting, and well carried out. The rest is worthless, and it's boring and very amateurish. It takes about 55 minutes for something to really happen, besides the beginning, and when a movie is about 70 minutes long that should say a lot! Don't bother unless you have to see all the Nasties. However, the killings are not bad, so instead of a zero, it will be a...


1 (out of 6)

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