Yes guys, and ghouls. It is once again time to get my video nasty on after about a one year hiatus. Been at it for ten years now, and am not even halfway there! Oh well, better late than never, so here we go with this (year's) nasty; Night Of The Demon.
Ted Nugent's name brother professor Nugent is found running out of the woods badly burnt. He gets the dubious pleasure of first being commited to a hospital, and then to the nut house where he tells the story of people being sliced, and diced by a beast living in the forest, and the actor playing Nugent's name is Michael CUTT none the less, pun intended.
People have been missing after having visited the woods, so Prof. Nugent, and some of his students decide to venture out into the forest to find out what really goes on there.
And boy, do they, as they find out the hard way that this furry monster is on a rampage out there. Is it Bigfoot, or perhaps Sasquatch? Neither. It is a demon!
So now our friends are stuck in the woods with a blood thirsty, flesh ripping, axe swingin' homicidal demon out to get them. What shall they do? And will they survive?
What's Good:
Much accomplished on a tiny budget this one's at times suspenseful, fun, dark, violent, bloody, and brutal. Bodycount a plenty where the demon attacks, and kills with axe, knife, hayfork, and beastly flesh tearing claws, even throwing a victim around, noose rope style. Something I'm sure not to be the only one wishing they sometimes could do to somebody. Teen girl campers get hacked, not as in the computer way, and a random biker also gets his nobler parts fondled by the demon!
A little too rough for the poor bikers liking though, I bet. Moral of the story: Be careful where you whip it out, or else...
There's a tripped out creepy score, with some easy listening, and quite funky at times, plus some noisy annoying psychotic synths, and a beautiful Bernie Worrell of Funkadelic sounding psychodelic organ piece. To my knowledge no soundtrack was released, but it is an original score, and not library music.
What's Bad:
A tiny budget flick. They did the best with what they had but there's still signs all over that this is an ultra cheapo film so avoid if you're only into A grade movies.
A slow burn at times.
Acting? Nah, not in this one.
The Verdict:
Bad, and unintenionally funny but an honest attempt at amateur filmmaking where they did the best with what little they had. It's dark, violent, and understandably a video nasty because this is a perfect Horror film for home video viewing, and must've had much rewind, and replay value of the nastiest scenes back in the 80's.
The kind of film once seen, you just skip to the nasty bits, to show you're friends who'd then brag about having seen it, and tell stories to others making more people run out to rent this "filth" out of curiousity, so it must've been responsible for plenty sleepless nights back in the early 80's cause the violence is indeed nasty, and sexualized as the demon not only kills, but rapes, and makes demon babies, so it's deserving of it's video nasty "promo campaign".
There's a funny VHS cover with an Oscar next to the title if...that's all I'm sayin' if.
So what happens to the demon in the grand finale? See this movie to find out but, beware...cause...he's...still...out...there...
Bad, but fun gory low budget nasty so...
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